The workshop covers all aspects of electronics systems and components for particle and astro-particle physics experiments, and accelerator instrumentation: electronics for particle detection, triggering, data-acquisition systems, accelerator and beam instrumentation. Operational experience of electronic systems of currently running experiments and R&D in electronics for future experiments (High Luminosity LHC, FAIR, CLIC, ILC, neutrino facilities, ...) are the major focus of this event. The purpose of the workshop is: - to present original concepts and results of research and development for electronics relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; The main topics of the workshop will be recent research and developments in the following areas: - Electronics for Particle Detection, Triggering and Data-Acquisition Systems The workshop programme includes invited plenary talks and parallel sessions for contributed papers, complemented by poster presentations. A topical session of the workshop is dedicated to high density hybrids, high end packaging and interconnects.